10 things to do Giardini Naxos Taormina - Sicily

The experience of creating a vase on the wheel, the unique sensation of painting a tambourine, the emotion of decorating a terracotta tile and much more.

Sicily-experience will offer you traditional Sicilian and Italian activities to promote the discovery of our territory and be able to enhance it in the eyes of those who don’t know it.

Your smile is our happiness!

the most exciting experiences to have in Giardini Naxos

Complete Ceramics Course
- Giardini Naxos -

Max 20 persons - 2 hours

Become a master ceramist for a day. Make a vase with clay, glaze a tile and paint the terracotta with the colors that excite you most.

Pasta hand made and Tiramisù
- Giardini Naxos -

Max 5 persons - 2 hours

Prepare fresh pasta and tiramisu like an Italian chef. Make macaroni, tagliatelle, cappelletti, tortellini and much more.

esperienza passeggiata arte

Art Walking
- Giardini Naxos -

Max 5 persons - 2 hours

The experience is a lively chat between friends that bounces between art, stories of real life, legends and curiosities of the territory and the world of sailors.

the most relaxing experiences in Giardini Naxos

Ghost experience
- Giardini Naxos-

2 persons - 30 min

It is possible to experience the most magical and romantic scene ever with your loved one. Together you can create a unique object on the wheel and photograph the moment.

Clay and Pottery wheel
- Giardini Naxos-

Max 10 persons - 2 hours

With clay you will make a vase with your own hands like a true ceramist from Caltagirone. Sicilian ceramics will no longer have secrets for you.

Baby Hand Print
-Giardini Naxos-

Family - 20 minutes

Children grow and change quickly. Make a print of your little one’s hands on clay, a natural and long-lasting material.

the most original experiences to do in Giardini Naxos

dipingere tamburello taormina giardini naxos

Painting Tambourine
- Giardini Naxos-

5 persons - 2 hours

Paint the musical instrument symbol of history and tradition in Sicily. Element of folklore to be used in the dance of the Sicilian tarantella with trinacria, paladins and Sicilian cart drawings.

Discover your origins

Family - nd

Discover the places of the grandparents, of the parents who left Sicily to find luck. Let’s retrace your story together. Things change, but your Sicily does not!


Sicilian Mosaic
-Giardini Naxos-

Max 15 persons - 2 hours

Creative mosaic workshop to reproduce images with ceramic tiles, stone fragments and natural elements. Take home a Sicilian mosaic.

the most curious experiences to have in Sicily

Paint on fabric
- Giardini Naxos-

Max 5 persons - 2 hours

Ancient art aimed to all those who want to adorn an object with the bright and vibrant colors of Sicily. Paint your unique and original clothes and make the difference!
carta fatta a mano giardini naxos

Handmade paper
- Giardini Naxos-

Max 10 persons - 1 hour

The paper, an important element for the development of culture, was already in Sicily in the 12th century (First Italian paper mill was in Palermo). Experience the thrill of writing on your paper!

gioco carte siciliane

Sicilian card games
-Giardini Naxos-

Max 5 persons - 1 hour

Learn to play with the spinning top, Sicilian cards … the oldest games in Sicily and still present in all the houses on the island. Fun for the little ones too!

Art and culture to do and see in Giardini Naxos Taormina in Sicily

The 10 things to do in Giardini Naxos Taormina - Sicily

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